Grade – Upper Elementary
Level - Intermediate Reading/Conversation Skills
Reading longer articles / magazines / short chapter books
Month 2 Issues
Episodes 1-2 – Tales of the West
Episodes 3-4 – Disaster
Level 3 is for upper elementary school students who are reading longer magazine articles or are starting to read chapter books. The subjects and vocabulary are more mature, suitable for this age range. The focus is on the harder words and phrases that we know many Taiwanese students may not be familiar with at this age. The pace is quicker, and these interesting stories and themes open up the conversation even more. We also welcome Jr. high students to join for some great conversation and fun practice.
Month 2 -Issue 1
Tales of the West
Episode 1
Contents Page – Types of Articles
Welcome to Tales of the West – Introduction Page
It’s Junior Rodeo Time – Photo Essay
Covered Wagons – Nonfiction
35 Words
Tale故事, West 美國西部, Photo Essay專題攝影, Covered Wagons 有篷的馬車, Scary Story 恐怖故事, Lumberjack 伐木工人, Carve 雕刻, Hail 冰雹, Stretch The Truth 誇大事實, Whopper大謊言, Junior Rodeo 少年牛仔競技表演, Whoop 吶喊, Holler 叫喊, Contest 比賽, Buckaroo 牛仔(俚語), Ride A Steer 騎馬, Bucking Beast 暴衝難馴的猛獸, Barrel Race 繞桶比賽, Tumble 翻滾, Give Chase開始追逐, Breakaway Calf Roping 用套索套住逃脫的小牛, Lasso 用套索捕捉(牛,馬等), Mutton Riding 騎綿羊, Bareback Event 不用馬鞍的騎乘活動, Saddle 鞍, Bronco 野馬, Bronco Busting 馴馬, Tame 馴服 Covered Wagons 有篷大馬車, Pioneers 先鋒, Trail 小徑, Prairie 草原, Sea Of Grass 草海, Canvas Tops 帆布車蓋, Prairie Schooner 大草原縱帆船(指:草原篷車)
Episode 2
Whoppers Stretch the Truth – Tall Tales
The Diary of Clare Brown – Diary
Campfire Chorus – Group Play
Gather Round the Campfire – Poem
Puzzle it Out – Compound Word Puzzles
Tall Tales 荒唐的故事, Diary 日記, Play 戲劇/話劇, Exaggerate 誇大, Stretch The Truth 誇大事實, Rugged Worker 粗曠的工人, Outdo The Other 超越對方, Logging Camps 伐木營, Leave His Mark 留下標記, Great Lakes 五大湖, Keelboat Captain 龍骨船長, Shore 岸邊, Overflow 溢出, Cyclone 龍卷風, Squeeze 擠壓, Twister 龍卷風, Carve Out 雕刻出, Grand Canyon 大峽谷, Slave 奴隸, Freedom自由, Worn Out 疲憊不堪的, Slavery 奴隸制, Chorus 合唱, Settle 定居, Chinese Railroad Worker 鐵路工人, Stranger 陌生人, Cattle 牛, Panic 恐慌, Stampede 亂竄狂奔, Have It Rough 過得很艱辛, Pick & Shovel 鋤頭和鏟子, Blasting Powder 爆炸火藥, Antelope 羚羊, Discouraging Word 令人洩氣的話, Strum A Banjo 彈奏班鳩琴, Weave A Tale 編織故事, Glint 閃爍
Month 2 - Issue 2
Episode 1
Contents Page – Types of Articles
Welcome to Disaster – Introduction Page
Nature’s Fury – Photo Essay
A Storm to Remember – Realistic Fiction
Puzzle it Out – Synonyms
27 Words
Disaster 災難, Strike 侵襲, Earthquakes地震, React應對, Nature’s Fury 大自然的反撲, Natural 自然的, Destructive Events 破壞性事件, Volcano 火山, Tornado 龍捲風, Tsunami 海嘯, Magma 岩漿, Lava 熔岩, Ash 灰燼, Whirling Funnel Cloud 旋轉龍捲雲, Plow Through 撞過, Splinter 碎片/裂成碎片, Fierce 凶猛的, Damage 損害, Huge Sections 巨大的部分, Pressure 壓力, Warning Systems 預警系統, Hurricane Warning 颶風警報, Shutters 百葉窗, Storm Cellar 防風窖, Silence 寧靜, Eye of The Storm 風暴之眼/颶風中心, The Storm Raged 風暴肆虐, Terrible 糟糕的
Episode 2
Train Wreck – Radio Play
On the Way to School – Comic Strip
Rusty to the Rescue – News Feature
Don’t Let Disasters Get You Down – Poem
32 Words
Narrator 旁白, Program 節目, Tracks 軌道, Screeching 尖叫著, Warn Them 警示他們, Railroad 鐵路系統, Dash Into The Doorway 衝進門道, As Fast As Lightning 快如閃電, Flow 流動, Made A Hiss 發出嘶嘶聲, Search And Rescue Team 搜救專對, Respond To Disasters 應對災害, Buried Under Rubble 被埋在瓦礫下, Animal Shelter 動物收容所, Abandon 拋棄, His Future Was Uncertain 他的未來是渺茫的, Trained 訓練(過去式), High Spirits 熱情, Bravery 勇氣, Devoted To 奉獻給, Eager To Please 渴望討好, Survivor 生還者, Ruins 廢墟, Shift 輪班工作時間, Weary 疲倦的, Keep His Spirits High 振作精神, Victim 受難者, Alert 使警覺, Reward 獎賞, Get You Down 讓你沮喪, Oversleep 睡過頭, Terrible 糟糕的
Newton Club
The Newton Club is best suited for kids 1-7 years old. It’s for kids and parents to do together, and includes songs, stories and science experiments. It’s best for kids who are not very confident with their English, or are still young and are better suited for an easier science themes like floating and sinking, dinosaur tracks, or bubbles. In Newton Club we will help parents get some ideas about how to speak English with their kids at home.
Age - Designed for kindergarten students.
Open to kids 1-7+ years old
Highlights - Soft Science Themes, Parent/Child Interaction, Stories, Songs, Dancing, Science Experiments
Length - 80 Minutes
Cost - NT$900 - 1 Adult + 1 Child
Additional Adults - NT$150
Current Show
🛠️牛頓俱樂部 17 – 小機械、大力量
加入 Dr. Sparks 小小科學家俱樂部牛頓俱樂部 17 – 「小機械、大力量」,一起踏上探索古埃及的冒險之旅!在這個充滿趣味的活動中,孩子將學習如何使用⚙️輪軸、槓桿、⛓滑輪、斜面、楔子、🔩螺旋等簡單機械來使工作變得更加輕鬆。透過一系列有趣的示範和動手實驗,我們將揭開這些工具如何幫助建造🏰古代文明的秘密,以及它們在今天如何繼續簡化我們的生活。
這個活動還包括由 Brian Funshine 原創的趣味科學歌曲,孩子們將透過唱歌🎤和跳舞🩰來學習,以有趣且難忘的方式來強化概念。這是一個專為幼稚園到國小二年級學生設計的親子互動活動,使科學和工程知識變得易於理解且充滿吸引力。
牛頓俱樂部是一個科學俱樂部,您與孩子可以在此一起用英語探索科學。透過輕鬆的科學主題、有趣的實驗和示範,以及精彩的兒童音樂和肢體律動💃,這裡是向孩子展示英語有多麼有趣的最佳環境!Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club – English, Science, Fun!
輪軸 – 減少摩擦
滑輪 – 多個滑輪減輕重量
槓桿 – 匹配力量
斜面 – 透過增加距離來減少力量
楔子 – 使用向下的力量分開物體
螺旋 – 固定物品
唱歌跳舞 – 小機械、大力量
活動時間 80分鐘
親子互動活動/費用 – 一小一大NT900元
Newton Club 17 – Simple Machines
Join us at Dr. Sparks Jr. Scientist Club for an adventure into the world of ancient Egypt with Newton Club 17 – Simple Machines! In this exciting program, your kids will explore how simple machines like the wheel and axle, lever, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, and screw make work easier. Through a series of fun demonstrations and hands-on experiments, we'll uncover how these tools helped build ancient civilizations and how they continue to simplify our lives today.
Featuring original music by Brian Funshine, kids will sing and dance as they learn, reinforcing the concepts in a fun and memorable way. This is a parent-child interactive experience designed for kindergarten to Grade 2 students, making science and engineering accessible and engaging for young minds.
Newton Club is a science club where you can explore science together with your kids in English. With soft science themes, fun experiments and demos, and great kids' music and movement, this is the place to show your kids how much fun English can be! Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club – English, Science, Fun!
Learning Objectives
Learn about the evolution of society
Understand the function of the 6 simple machines
See the connection between simple machines
Experiment to find how simple machines make work easier
Wheel and Axel – Reduce friction
Pulleys – Multiple pulleys reduce weight
Lever – Matching force
Inclined Plane – Reduce force by increasing distance
Wedge – Using downward force to separate objects
Screw – Securing items
Sing and Dance – Simple Machines
Newton Club 16 – Taste
牛頓俱樂部 16 – 味覺
加入「Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部」,參加我們精彩的新活動「牛頓俱樂部16 – 味覺」!在這個引人入勝的活動中,您的孩子將踏上另一場感官之旅,探索迷人的味覺和味道的世界。首先,我們將透過有趣的遊戲和互動性活動來回顧五種感官。當我們有了全面的理解之後,我們的大頭人物就出場了。Mr. Big Head將幫助我們理解味覺和嗅覺之間的關聯。我們還會向大家展示感冒時會發生什麼,以及那「黏黏的情況」是如何改變我們的味覺的。
在更深入地探討味覺的主題後,我們將發現舌頭的神奇工具箱,以及了解到我們的舌頭每天是如何幫助我們的。然後,我們透過 甜味、鹹味、酸味、苦味和鮮味等來探討不同面向的味覺!在我們了解味蕾的同時,我們要一起跟著新主題歌曲 – The Taste Buddies唱唱跳跳!父母和孩子們將品嚐代表每種味道的食物,來更加了解不同滋味。最後,我們將使用液氮來實驗,製作出的冰棒可以立即享用!
牛頓俱樂部專為幼稚園和小學低年級的學生設計,是一個親子互動的科學俱樂部。在這裡您可以與孩子一起在英語環境中探索科學。您可以與我們(主辦人)詢問年紀偏小或偏大,或是母語為英文的孩童的特屬活動場次。透過輕科學主題、有趣的活動、伴隨著出色的兒童音樂和肢體律動,您的孩子會體驗到英語是多麼的有趣!Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部 - 英語、科學、樂趣!
• 複習五種感官
• 舌頭的功能
• 味蕾和五種滋味
• 隨著年齡變化的味覺
• 了解味覺如何與其他感官連結
• 結合不同味道以創造新滋味
• 了解動物如何使用味覺
• 凝固點 – 老師示範液氮實驗
• 互動遊戲 - TPR口語活動
• 大頭模型示範 – 口和鼻
• 食物分類遊戲
• 唱遊 - 味覺伙伴
• 牛頓俱樂部16—味覺
• 特別為學習英語的幼兒設計的
• 年紀2-7歲的兒童皆可參加
• 活動時間 – 80分鐘
• 親子互動
• 費用 – NT900元 (由一位家長陪同)
• 科學,歌曲,律動,實驗操作,DIY勞作
Join us at Dr. Sparks Jr. Scientist Club for an exciting new activity, "Newton Club 16 – Taste"! In this engaging program, your kids will embark on another sensory journey to explore the fascinating sense of taste and the world of flavors. First, we'll review the 5 senses with fun games and interactive activities. Once we get the big picture, we'll zoom into our huge head model. Mr. Big Head will help us understand how taste and smell are connected. We’ll even show you what happens when we get a cold and how that sticky situation changes the way we taste.
Biting deeper into the topic of taste, we'll discover the incredible toolkit of our tongue and the many remarkable ways our tongue helps us every day. Then we’ll talk about the different aspects of taste with the taste buddies - Sweet, Salty, Sour, Bitter and Umami! As we learn about the taste buds, we’ll go over the rhymes and actions for our new song – The Taste Buddies! In our grand finale, we’ll experiment with liquid nitrogen to make instant popsicles that can be enjoyed on the spot!
Designed for students from kindergarten to grade 2, Newton Club is a parent/child interactive science club where you can explore science together with your kids, in English. Ask about special shows specially designed for both younger kids and older kids or native-English speakers. With soft science themes, many fun activities, and great kid’s music and movement, this is the place to show your kids how much fun English can be! Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club – English, Science, Fun!
Learning Objectives
• Review the 5 senses
• The functions of the tongue
• The taste buds and the 5 flavors
• How Tastes change as you age
• Learn how taste is linked to your other senses
• Combining tastes to make new flavors
• How animals use taste
• Freezing Point - Liquid Nitrogen teacher demo
• Interactive games - TPR speaking activities
• Big Head Model Demo – mouth and nose
• Classify the food game
• Sing and Dance - the Taste Buddies
• Newton Club 16 – Taste
• Designed for Young English Learners
• Open to Kids Ages 2-7
• Length – 80 Minutes
• Interactive parent-child activities
• Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
• Science, Songs, Dancing, Experiments, and DIY
Newton Club 15 – Plants
牛頓俱樂部 15 – 植物
加入「Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部」,在我們的新活動「牛頓俱樂部15 – 植物」中,一起來探索植物的生命週期。您的孩子將學習分辨樹、花、草、藤蔓等植物類別。我們將探索植物的不同部分及其功能。我們特別編寫的植物之歌將引導學生了解植物從種子到開花再到種子的生命週期。最後,每個孩子都將種下自己的植物並帶回家,見證種子從發芽開始的神奇生長週期!
專為幼稚園兒童設計的牛頓俱樂部是親子互動的科學俱樂部。在這裡您可以跟孩子一起透過英語探索科學。2歲到小學低年級的兒童都會喜歡這個活動。您可以與我們(主辦人)詢問年紀偏小或偏大,或是母語為英文的孩童的特屬活動場次。透過輕鬆的科學主題、有趣的活動、伴隨著出色的兒童音樂和肢體律動,您的孩子會體驗到英語是多麼的有趣!Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部,英語、科學、樂趣!
牛頓俱樂部 15- 植物
植物之歌 – 使用新科技來聽植物的能量
葉子拓印 – 創作展示葉子紋路的作品
唱遊 – I Am a Seed (曲目)生命的開始 – 學習如何讓種子發芽
成長 – 種下種子並帶回家培育
活動時間 80分鐘
費用 – 一小一大NT900元
Join us at Dr. Sparks Jr. Scientist Club as we discover the life cycle of plants in our new activity, Newton Club 15 – Plants. Your kids will learn to classify plants as trees, flowers, grass, vines and others. We will explore the different parts of a plant and their functions. Our Plant Song will guide students through the life cycle of a plant, from seed to flower and back to seed again. Finally, everyone will start the life cycle by germinating and planting their own seeds that they can take home to witness a plant’s incredible growth.
Experience plants with new technology that turns a plant’s energy into music! Next, boys and girls will understand the parts of a plant by linking them to parts of the human body through TPR. We will stimulate all 5 senses through various activities including sound, sight, smell, taste, and touch to identify plants. Learn to plant and care for a seed through a hands-on, take-home experiment. Join this special interactive science club activity where students can apply what they already know about plants in an English environment. Expand their plant vocabulary and learn lots of cool facts as we explore the amazing world of plants together.
Designed for kindergarten students, Newton Club is a parent/child interactive science club where you can explore science together with your kids, in English. Children from 2 years old up to grade 2 will enjoy these activities as well. Ask about special shows specially designed for both younger kids and older kids or native-English speakers. With soft science themes, many fun activities, and great kid’s music and movement, this is the place to show your kids how much fun English can be. Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club – English, Science, Fun!
Newton Club 15 – Plants
Learning Objectives
Classify plants as trees, flowers, grass, vines, or others
Identify the parts of the plants and their functions
Use 5 senses to learn about plants
Discover a plant’s life cycle
Introduce the idea of photosynthesis
Learn how to germinate and plant seeds
The Sound of Plants – Use new technology to hear a plant’s energy
Leaf Rubbing – Create art that shows a leaf’s structure
Sing and Dance – I Am a Seed
The Start of Life – Learn how to germinate seeds
Get Growing – Plant seeds to take home and grow
Newton Club 15 – Plants
Designed for Kindergarten Students
Open to Kids Ages 2-8
Length – 80 Minutes
Interactive parent-child activities
Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
Science, Stories, Songs, Dancing, and Experiments
Newton Club 14 – A Bug's World
牛頓俱樂部 14 – 蟲蟲世界
加入Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部,跟我們一起縮小身形,共同體驗牛頓俱樂部14-蟲蟲世界。放大蟲子、昆蟲和蛛型類動物並觀察他們之間的差異。我們的Bug Club Chant歌謠將引導孩子們進入5個不同蟲子的縮影世界,在其中使用我們所有的感官來體驗蟲蟲的世界。
透過輕鬆的科學主題、有趣的活動、伴隨著出色的兒童音樂和唱遊,您的孩子會體驗到英語是多麼的有趣!Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部,英語、科學、樂趣!.
立體微縮模型 – 學習製作蟲蟲立體微縮模型
蟲蟲DIY – 製作蟲蟲放入立體微縮模型
唱遊 – The Bug Club Chant (曲目)
蜜蜂的眼睛 – 用蜜蜂的眼睛看世界
活動時間 80分鐘
費用 – 一小一大NT900元
Join us at Dr. Sparks Jr. Scientist Club as we shrink down and experience A Bug’s World in Newton 14. Zoom in to get a closer look at the differences between bugs, insects, and arachnids. Our Bug Club Chant will guide children into 5 different bugs’ microcosms where we will use all of our senses to experience A Bug’s World.
Our sensory stations will get your kids to move like a worm, see like a bee, march like an ant, spin a web like a spider, and fly like a butterfly. Bugs will become larger than life as we build them to fill our take-home dioramas. Join this special interactive science club activity where students can apply what they already know about bugs in an English environment. Expand your bug vocabulary and learn lots of cool facts as we explore A Bug’s World together.
Designed for kindergarten students, Newton Club is a parent/child interactive science club where you can explore science together with your kids, in English. Children from 2 years old up to grade 2 will enjoy these activities as well. Ask about special shows specially designed for both younger kids and older kids or native-English speakers.
With soft science themes, many fun activities, and great kid’s music and movement, this is the place to show your kids how much fun English can be. Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club – English, Science, Fun!
Newton Club 14 – A Bug’s World
Learning Objectives
Distinguish between a bug, an insect, or an arachnid
Learn an insect’s body parts
Identify an insect by its sound
Follow a butterfly’s metamorphosis
Use 5 senses to learn about bugs
Create your own bug diorama
Find out which smells bugs don’t like
Diorama – Learn how to build a bug’s diorama
Bug DIY – Build bugs to put into your diorama
Sing and Dance – The Bug Club Chant
Bee’s Eyes – See the world through the eyes of a bee
Designed for Kindergarten Students
Open to Kids Ages 2-8
Length – 80 Minutes
Interactive parent-child activities
Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
Science, Stories, Songs, Dancing, and Experiments
Newton Club 11 – Light and Shadows
牛頓俱樂部 11 – 光和影
你可以在牆壁上做出影子嗎?如果你懂得光線和影子的關係,你就一定可以。在「牛頓俱樂部11 – 光和影」中,我們要一起探索「光」。光如何移動? 光能直線移動,還是可以也可以轉彎移動?你會需要什麼東西來做出影子?光線能在不同材質的東西上面彈跳嗎?
我們會一起探索光如何直線移動。我們會使用鏡子讓光線來回折射到目的地。Dr. Sparks最愛把創意跟科學結合。在唱新一季的主題歌曲—Shadow Play的同時,我們會學如何做不同的手影偶。最後,我們會學習如何透過管子與水來折射光線。
專為幼稚園兒童設計的牛頓俱樂部是親子互動的科學俱樂部。在這裡您可以跟孩子一起透過英語探索科學。小學低年級生或是年紀小小的幼兒也歡迎一起加入我們。Dr. Sparks有太多的實驗要跟孩子們分享,所以這次很開心地要告訴大家牛頓俱樂部活動將延長為80分鐘!請您注意新的活動時間與價格。
透過輕鬆的科學主題、有趣的活動、伴隨著Brian Funshine創作的兒童音樂,您的孩子會愛上這麼歡樂的英語環境。Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部要把科學的樂趣散播給大家!
牛頓俱樂部11 – 光和影
影偶 – 學習用手做不同動物影偶
有色彩的影子 – 使用多彩的光線來了解光線的行走路線與影子的方向
Dr. Plarks – 用鏡子反射光線來打擊Dr. Sparks的邪惡雙胞胎 – Dr. Plarks
折射光線 – 學習在PVC管子裡和水裡折射光線
活動時間 80分鐘
費用 – 一小一大NT900元
Can you make a shadow on a wall? You can if you understand how light and shadows work. In Newton Club 11 – Light and Shadows, we will explore how light works. How does light travel? Can it only move in a straight line, or can it move around corners? What do you need to do to make a shadow? Can you bounce light off of different surfaces?
We will explore how light travels in a straight line. By using mirrors, we will reflect light back and forth to make it go where we want it to. Dr. Sparks loves creativity mixed into his science. We will learn how to make shadow puppets when we introduce the newest song, Shadow Play, by Brian Funshine. Finally, we will learn how to bend light by sending it through tubes and water.
Designed for kindergarten students, Newton Club is a parent/child interactive science club where you can explore science together with your kids, in English. Elementary school students and younger kids are also welcome to join the fun. We’re excited to announce that we are extending the time of our Newton Club activities to 80 minutes! There’s just too much experimenting to do together. Please take note of our updated times and activity pricing.
With soft science themes, many fun activities, and great kid’s music from Brian Funshine, this is the place to show your kids how much fun an English environment can be. Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club – showing you science is so much fun!
Newton Club 11 – Light and Shadows
Learning Objectives
Understand how light travels.
Experiment with blocking light to make shadows.
Make shadow puppets with our hands.
Introduce the idea that white light is made up of many colors.
Reflect light to move around an object.
Bend light inside a PVC tube
Shadow Puppets – Learn how to make shadow animals using your hands
Colored Shadows – Use multiple colored lights to understand lights path and the direction of a shadow.
Dr. Plarks – Use mirrors to reflect light to zap Dr. Sparks evil twin, Dr. Plarks
Bending Light – Learn how to bend light inside a PVC tube or even inside water
Designed for Kindergarten Students
Open to Kids Ages 2-8
Length – 80 Minutes
Interactive parent-child activities
Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
Science, Songs, Dancing, Experiments, and DIY
Newton Club 10 – Kitchen Science
牛頓俱樂部 10 – 廚房科學
如何站在蛋上面又不把蛋弄破?為什麼蛋是不是圓形?為什麼有皮的橘子會浮在水上,沒有皮的橘子卻會沉到水底?如何把一些甜味、一些酸味、一些苦味混合在一起變成自製糖果?我們80分鐘的全英語活動塞滿了有趣的科學實驗和生動的互動式示範。快來加入Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部!
專為幼稚園兒童設計的牛頓俱樂部是親子互動的科學俱樂部。在這裡您可以跟孩子一起透過英語探索科學。小學低年級生或是年紀小小的幼兒也歡迎一起加入我們。透過輕鬆的科學主題、有趣的活動、伴隨著Brian Funshine創作的兒童音樂,您的孩子會愛上這麼歡樂的英語環境。Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部要把科學的樂趣散播給大家!
牛頓俱樂部10 – 廚房科學
走在蛋殼上 – 測試蛋的韌性
漂浮的蛋 – 改變水的密度讓蛋漂浮
水之線 – 在一公尺外的距離把水杯加滿
漂浮橘子皮 – 看看橘子皮的構造還有它怎麼讓橘子漂浮的
檸檬汁火箭 – 用檸檬汁和小蘇打做火箭
跳跳糖粉 – 自製跳跳糖粉
活動時間 80分鐘
費用 – 一小一大NT900元
Science is everywhere, and it’s so much fun to explore with our kids. Just go into your kitchen and you will find science in almost everything that you eat and every container that you open. In Newton Club 10 – Kitchen Science, we will perform experiments with things that you can find in your laboratory, I mean kitchen.
How can you stand on eggs without them breaking? Why are eggs not round? Why does an orange float, but sink when you take off the peel? How can you mix something sweet, something sour, and something bitter to make your own candy? Join Dr. Sparks for 80 minutes of our English science activities, packed full of experiments and interactive demonstrations.
Designed for kindergarten students, Newton Club is a parent/child interactive science club where you can explore science together with your kids in English. Elementary school students and younger kids are also welcome to join the fun. With soft science themes, many fun activities, and great kid’s music from Brian Funshine, this is the place to show your kids how much fun an English environment can be. Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club – showing you science is so much fun!
Newton Club 10 – Kitchen Science
Learning Objectives
Understand that science is happening all around us.
Experiment with the strength and shape of an egg.
Observe how density can change if something floats or sinks.
Find out what is in an orange peel.
Introduce acids and bases.
Experiment with a simple chemical reaction.
Walking on Eggshells – Test the strength of an egg
Floating Eggs – Change the density of water to make an egg float
Water String – Fill a cup that’s 1 meter away
Orange Appeal – See what an orange peel is made of and how it makes an orange float
Lemon Juice Rocket – Make a rocket with lemon juice and baking soda
Fizzy Candy – Make your own fizzing candy
Designed for Kindergarten Students
Open to Kids Ages 2-8
Length – 80 Minutes
Interactive parent-child activities
Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
Science, Songs, Dancing, Experiments, and DIY
Newton Club 9 – Rain and Clouds
牛頓俱樂部 9 – 雨和雲
專為幼稚園兒童設計的牛頓俱樂部是親子互動的科學俱樂部。在這裡您可以跟孩子一起透過英語探索科學。透過輕鬆的科學主題,有趣的活動,伴隨著Brian Funshine創作的兒童音樂,您的孩子會愛上這麼歡樂的英語環境。Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部要把科學的樂趣散播給大家!
牛頓俱樂部9 – 雨和雲
活動時間 80分鐘
費用 – 一小一大NT900元
Fall is almost here and it’s time to get ready for the rain. Do you ever wonder where the rain comes from? Do you ever lay on your back and stare at the clouds and wonder how they form? In Newton Club 9 – Rain and Clouds we will explore the water cycle and see how water travels from the oceans, up into the clouds, down to the ground as rain, and then back out to the ocean in the rivers. In this parent/child interactive science club, help your kids understand the concepts of evaporation and condensation in this fun, English, science club activity.
Designed for kindergarten students, Newton Club is a parent/child interactive science club where you can explore science together with your kids in English. With soft science themes, many fun activities, and great kid’s music from Brian Funshine, this is the place to show your kids how much fun an English environment can be. Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club – showing you science is so much fun!
Newton Club 9 – Rain and Clouds
Learning Objectives
Explore the water cycle.
Understand that there is water in the air.
Experiment with evaporation and condensation.
Observe a cloud being formed in a bottle.
Trigger rain to fall from a cloud.
Designed for Kindergarten Students
Open to Kids Ages 2-7
Length – 80 Minutes
Interactive parent-child activities
Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
Science, Songs, Dancing, Experiments, and DIY
Newton Club 8 – Birds
牛頓俱樂部 8 – 鳥
除了一起看看鳥特別的身體部位 - 腳、翅膀、羽毛、蛋、鳥喙等,我們也會探索鳥類吃的各種不同食物以及鳥喙扮演的角色。我們還會一起觀察鳥蛋以及看看鳥巢是如何做成的。也會觀察鳥的腳,進一步了解為什麼有那麼多種不同的腳。最後當然還會一起來看看鳥的美麗羽毛。
專為幼稚園兒童設計的牛頓俱樂部是親子互動的科學俱樂部。在這裡您可以跟孩子一起透過英語探索科學。透過輕鬆的科學主題,有趣的活動,伴隨著Brian Funshine創作的兒童音樂,您的孩子會愛上這麼歡樂的英語環境。Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部要把科學的樂趣散播給大家!
牛頓俱樂部8 – 鳥
活動時間 80分鐘
費用 – 一小一大NT900元
One part of science that is so fun to explore as a kid is animals. Zoology is a branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom. Your kids will become Junior Zoologist in Newton Club 8, when we learn all about birds. You can find birds in every part of the world. We will learn about many birds and explore what makes they so….birdy!
We will look at those special parts, such as their feet, wings, feathers, eggs, beaks and bills. Explore the different things birds eat and how their beaks help them do just that. Check out how birds’ nests are made and the eggs they put inside them. Look at birds’ feet and find out why they have so many different kinds of feet. Find out just how cool feathers are.
Designed for kindergarten students, Newton Club is a parent/child interactive science club where you can explore science together with your kids in English. With soft science themes, many fun activities, and great kids music from Brian Funshine, this is the place to show your kids how much fun an English environment can be. Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club – Showing you science is so much fun!
Newton Club 8 – Birds
Learning Objectives
Explore and describe the characteristics of birds
Learn many new bird names
Examine what birds eat and how their beaks help them get their food
Find out what makes feathers so special
Designed for Kindergarten Students
Open to Kids Ages 2-7
Length – 80 Minutes
Interactive parent-child activities
Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
Science, Songs, Dancing, Experiments, and DIY
Newton Club 7 – Smell
牛頓俱樂部 7 – 嗅覺
如同以往,我們會採用兒童音樂家Brian Funshine創作的生動活潑的音樂來幫助我們學習嗅覺。活動的最後一個實驗是製做孩子可以帶回家的「香水發泡彩繪卡」。
趕快帶寶貝一起來參加Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部精心設計的英語親子科學活動。不但孩子們會覺得科學與英語都很有趣,家長們也可以打包一些在家繼續用英語與孩子互動與探索的小技巧喔!
如何嗅出味道 – 味道怎麼跑到鼻子的
年紀 – 特別為幼稚園幼兒設計的(2-7歲的兒童皆可參加)
活動時間 – 80分鐘
費用 – 一小一大NT900元
Come and explore the senses with Newton Club 7 – Smell, the second in our 5 Senses Series at Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club. Dr. Sparks helps parents and children explore the sense of smell together in this premium English science club activity. We will use our noses to identify and describe different smells, and find out how those smells get to our noses.
Designed for kindergarten students, we will use singing, dancing, and experiments to find out more about our sense of smell. Use your sense of smell to figure out which popcorn is coconut flavored and which is butter flavor. Of course, if that fails we can always use our sense of taste. Play a game of smell matching by smelling and describing mysterious smells. Work together with your child to determine which smell is the strongest and which is the weakest.
As always, we will feature an awesome original song by Brian Funshine to have some fun learning about smells. The final experiment for the kids is to make some scratch and sniff puffy paint cards to take home. Join Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club for this parent/child interactive English science club event. Kids will learn that Science and English are fun, and parents will find new ways to interact and explore with their children in English.
Newton Club 7 – Smell
Learning Objectives
How We Smell – How smells travel to our nose
Identifying Items by Their Smell
Finding the Correct Smell by its Description
Determine the Strength of a Smell
Puffy Smelly Paint DIY
Designed for Kindergarten Students
Open to Kids Ages 2-7
Length – 80 Minutes
Interactive parent-child activities
Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
Science, Songs, Dancing, Experiments, and DIY
Newton Club 6 - Teeth
牛頓俱樂部 6 - 牙齒
寶貝們的牙齒在幼稚園階段會開始產生變化,因而需要額外的注意。口腔內到底有什麼樣的變化?為什麼要好好刷牙與剔牙?牙齒又怎麼會掉? Dr. Sparks在「牛頓俱樂部6—牙齒」的主題裡,很興奮地要帶大家一起來探索口腔內的世界。
牛頓俱樂部是為幼稚園學齡前兒童設計的;我們透過唱歌、跳舞、故事、動手實驗等活潑的活動來帶寶貝們更進一步認識牙齒。在認識牙菌斑與蛀牙的同時,我們會知道他們是怎麼破壞牙齒的。以「琺瑯忍者」(Enamel Ninjas)為主角的繪本將教導孩子們如何保護牙齒不受到牙菌斑與蛀牙蟲的攻擊。我們也會學到牙菌斑是怎麼躲在牙齒裡面的,然後一起學習正確的使用牙刷與牙線將他們清除! 兒童音樂創作家Brian Funshine這次也特別幫我們做了一首歌來提醒大家如何刷牙喔!
趕快帶寶貝一起來參加Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部精心設計的親子活動。不但孩子們會覺得科學與英語都很有趣,家長們也可以打包一些在家繼續用英語與孩子互動與探索的小技巧喔!
年紀 – 特別為幼稚園幼兒設計的(1-7歲(含以上)的兒童皆可參加)
活動時間 – 80分鐘
費用 – 一小一大NT900元
Kindergarten is a time when our kids’ teeth start to require some extra attention. What is going on inside our mouths, why all this concern with brushing and flossing, and what do you mean my teeth are going to fall out? Dr. Sparks is excited to explore what is happening in our mouths in Newton Club 6 – Teeth.
Designed for kindergarten students, we will use singing, dancing, stories, and experiments to find out more about our teeth. We will explore what plaque and cavities are, and how they can destroy our teeth. An exciting story starring the Enamel Ninjas will show the kids how to defend our teeth against plaque attacks and cavities. We will learn about how plaque hides in our teeth, and the proper way to use our toothbrushes and floss to get that plaque out! We will feature another original song by Brian Funshine to remind us all how to brush our teeth.
Finally, we will explore what happens when our teeth start to get loose and fall out! How many teeth do we have, how many more will we get, and where in the world do these new teeth come from? Join Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club for this parent/child interactive science club event. Kids will learn that Science and English are fun, and parents will find new ways to interact and explore with their children in English.
Newton Club 6 – Teeth
Learning Objectives
Learn about oral hygiene
Find out about the differences between baby teeth and adult teeth
Explore where our new teeth come from
Use disclosing tablets to find where plaque is hiding in our teeth
Designed for Kindergarten Students
Open to Kids Ages 1-7+
Length – 80 Minutes
Interactive parent-child activities
Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
Science, Songs, Dancing, Experiments, and DIY
Newton Club 5 - Sound
牛頓俱樂部 5 - 聲音
我們活動是為了協助家長帶領孩子一起用英文來探索不同主題的科學而設計的。在北美籍的科學老師與Brian Funshine創作的兒童音樂陪伴下,我們一起透過精心設計的親子活動,讓孩子感受到科學與英文一樣有趣。
牛頓俱樂部5 –聲音
牛頓俱樂部5 – 聲音
年紀 1-7歲
活動時間 – 80分鐘
費用 – 一小一大NT900元
The theme for our 5th Newton Club is Sound. In this activity, parents and children will explore how different sounds are made and we’ll find out that sounds are vibrations. A series of experiments with tuning forks will help your children hear, see, and feel the vibrations of sound. Giant rubber bands will help us to learn that by changing the vibration we can change the sounds that we make.
This activity is designed to help parents explore science themes with their kids in English. Help your kids see that both science and English are fun! Explore with us with original music by Brian Funshine and great interactive activities with North American science teachers.
Newton Club is designed for kids ages 3-5, but we welcome families with kids ages 1-6 looking for more English activities to do together. Science exploration, parent/child interaction, developmental activities and crafts, dancing and singing all make Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club the activity you don’t want to miss.
Newton Club 5 – Sounds
Learning Objectives
Sound Recognition
Explore how sound is made from vibrations
Changing pitch by changing vibration
Ages 1-7
Length – 80 Minutes
Interactive parent-child activities
Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
Science, Songs, Dancing, Experiments, and DIY
Newton Club 4 - Colors
牛頓俱樂部 4 - 顏色
在牛頓4-顏色活動中,我們會從三原色開始介紹,然後一同探索混合顏色,製作出新顏色。Dr. Sparks將用他獨特的方式,透過一系列新奇的實驗讓孩子與家長一起用不一樣的方式來了解顏色與混色。音樂與繪本時間也會安排在這個活動中。對英文不是那麼有自信的家長來說,”顏色”是比較容易上手與孩子聊的主題。活動中我們也希望能與家長分享更多如何與孩子在家用更多的英語互動,繼續延伸學習的一些點子。
牛頓4 – 顏色
年紀 1-7歲
活動時間 – 80分鐘
費用 – 一小一大NT900元
Newton Club 4 – Colors
Activity Overview
The new theme is ready for Newton Club! The theme this time will be Colors! Colors are all around us. We will explore the primary and secondary colors, experiment with how colors mix and combine together to make new colors. We have a great series of experiments for parents and children to do together to find new ways to explore science and use English together at home. With more activities than ever, we have extended the time of Newton Club activities to 70 minutes! Please take note of our pricing change that comes with the longer activities. Come sing, dance, experiment, learn, and explore with Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club.
In Newton 4 – Colors, we will start with the primary colors and then explore mixing colors to make secondary colors. We have an exciting series of experiments to show parents and kids different ways to understand how colors mix together in Dr. Sparks special style. Music and stories will also accompany this theme. Colors are a great thing for parents who aren’t very confident with their English to talk with their kids about, so we hope to give even more ideas of how to use more English at home.
Newton Club 4 – Colors
Learning Objectives
Understand Primary Colors
Explore Mixing Colors to Make Secondary Colors
Explore Color Tint
Ages 1-7
Length – 80 Minutes
Interactive parent-child activities
Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
Science, Songs, Dancing, and Experiments
Newton Club 3 - Bubbles
牛頓俱樂部 3 - 泡泡
科學無所不在—即使是在泡泡裡面! 牛頓俱樂部3我們將一起學到泡泡的不同形狀;如何製造Dr. Sparks的超級泡泡液,比較泡泡的大小,探索泡泡碰在一起會發生什麼火花。在Brian Funshine獨家製作的泡泡音樂以及Kenn Loewen創作的泡泡繪本的陪伴下,孩子們不但會玩得很開心,還會學到用不同的角度來看泡泡!
牛頓3 – 泡泡
混合溶液—把不同材料混在一起,製作Dr. Sparks超級泡泡液
尺寸大小 — 看不同尺寸的棒子怎麼做出不同大小的泡泡
泡泡結合方式的比較 – 觀察大泡泡怎麼吃掉小泡泡,相同尺寸泡泡又是如何共存的併在一起
複雜的形狀 – 實驗多個泡泡如何做出六角型
泡泡液 – 混合製作Dr. Sparks超級泡泡液
泡泡雙胞胎 – 把2個泡泡放一起變連體泡泡
蜂巢泡泡 – 用兩片塑膠玻璃做出特別形狀的泡泡
歌曲1 -- How Are You Today – Bubbles (今天好嗎 — 泡泡)
歌曲2 – Five Little Bubbles (5個小泡泡)
故事 – Bubble and Bees (泡泡與蜜蜂)
年紀 1-7歲
活動時間 – 80分鐘
費用 – 一小一大NT900元
Newton Club 3 – Bubbles
Activity Overview
Newton Club 3 will show you that science is everywhere, even inside bubbles. We will learn about bubbles shapes, how to make Dr. Sparks Super Bubble Juice, compare the size of bubbles and explore what happens when bubbles meet.
With original bubble music by Brian Funshine and a fun bubble story written by Kenn Loewen, your kids will have fun and learn how to look at bubbles a brand new way.
The Newton Club is best suited for kids 1-6 years old. It’s for kids and parents to do together, and includes songs, stories and science experiments. It’s best for kids who are not very confident with their English, or are still young and are better suited for an easier science themes like floating and sinking, dinosaur tracks, or bubbles. In Newton Club, we will help parents get some ideas about how to speak English with their kids at home.
Newton Club 3 – Bubbles
Learning Objectives
Mix a Solution – Mix different materials together to make Dr. Sparks Super Bubble Juice Observation – Observe how different liquids change the quality of giant bubbles
Sizes – See how different size wands make different size bubbles
Compare how Bubbles Merge – Observe how larger bubbles will absorb smaller bubbles and how the same size bubbles will share a wall
Complex Shapes – Experiment how multiple bubbles join together to make a hexagon Experiments Bubbles Are the Solution – Mix Dr. Sparks Super Bubble Juice together
Twin Bubble – Join 2 bubbles together so that they share a wall
Honeycomb Bubbles –Make complex shapes with bubbles between 2 Plexiglas plates
Songs and Stories Song 1 – How Are You Today – Bubbles Song 2 – Five Little Bubbles
Story – Bubbles and Bees
Ages 1-7
Length – 80 Minutes
Interactive parent-child activities
Cost - NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
Science, Stories, Songs, Dancing, and Experiment
Newton Club 2 - Dinosaur Tracks
牛頓俱樂部 2 - 恐龍的足跡
活動:牛頓2 -恐龍的足跡
實驗1:沙中的足跡 - 鑑定恐龍的腳印
Kids love dinosaurs. You know that and we know that. So, the second theme in Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Newton Club is Dinosaur Tracks. We’ve got some original dinosaur songs and dances, a great dinosaur story, and some really cool experiments for kids and parents to do together. This is the perfect way to start speaking more English with your child while encouraging them to think in English. We can’t wait to see you at the event! It’s going to be a Jurassic summer!
Newton Club
Ages 1-7
Event - Newton 2 - Dinosaur Tracks
Dinosaur Theme
Interactive parent-child activities
80 minute activities
NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
10-14 kids/class
Learn dinosaur names and how to describe them
Explore what herbivores and carnivores eat
Experiment 1 – Tracks in the Sand - ID dinosaurs by the tracks they leave behind
Experiment 2 - Make large dinosaur footprints
Take-home premiums - Full color science notebook, 3D dinosaur card
The Newton Club is best suited for kids 1-6 years old. It’s for kids and parents to do together, includes songs, stories, science experiments, and crafts. It’s best for kids who are not very confident with their English, or are still young and are better suited for an easier science themes like floating and sinking and dinosaur tracks. In Newton Club we will help parents get some ideas about how to speak English with their kids at home.
Newton Club 1 - Float and Sink
牛頓俱樂部 1 - 浮與沉 的概念
Float and Sink - 浮與沉的概念
牛頓俱樂部是Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部的最初階,適合1-6歲的小孩。此活動設計為親子英語互動方式。我們會一起"玩"科學,探索物體在水中或是在空氣中浮或沉的概念。
The Newton Club is our entry level activity for Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club, for kids ages 1-6 years old. This interactive activity is designed for parent and child interaction in English. We’ll explore the concept of things that float or sink in the water and in the air.
• Newton Club 牛頓俱樂部
• Ages 1-7 適合1-7歲
• Float and Sink Theme 浮與沉的概念
• Interactive parent/toddler activities 親子互動方式
• 80 minute activities 課程長度為80分鐘
• NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child 費用:900元(一大一小)
• Songs 歌唱
• Story 故事
• Experiment 1 – Float and Sink Soup 實驗一:浮沉湯
• Experiment 2 – Floating Suns 實驗二:漂浮太陽
• 10-14 kids/class 班級人數:10-14學生